Reimagine Tradition - Why Are You Doing Your Event?

When I first started Sapphire Fundraising Specialists three years ago (this month!), I told anyone and everyone that I was starting a company to help nonprofits with their fundraising.


After the congratulations were made, the inevitable clarifying question by the non-fundraising people in my network was – so will you be working on fundraising events?


I was surprised for a few reasons:

  1. The year was 2021. Fundraising events had been altered, delayed, or canceled throughout the past year.

  2. When I think of fundraising, I would never FIRST think about events.

  3. I had no interest in working with nonprofits on events.


But to the general public, events are most people’s closest connection to fundraising. So they assume, that’s how all money is raised.

That and cold calling (insert eye roll here).


Over the past three years, the fundraising events have returned, and nonprofits are again relying on them to bring in significant portions of their annual budget.

But should they?

As we're now in event and gala season, let’s review a few items to keep in mind to make this your most successful event yet.


Before The Event

  • Please ask yourself and team this before you do anything else - What’s your goal?

    • Is the goal to raise money? Raise awareness? Raise friends? Build community? All of the above? Highlight the impact of the work?

    • Remember that no event can accomplish everything. So be really really really clear on what you’re trying to do and make sure each aspect of the event brings you closer to accomplishing your goal(s).

  • Second, ask yourself and team - Do you even need this event?

    • Think about this for a second. Is this event the most cost-effective way to accomplish your goals? Consider for a few moments how else you can accomplish your goals. Is there a way you can pivot the event to something else? Have a bigger return on investment and reduce the staff time to execute the event?

  • Imagine the attendee experience from start to finish.

    • What will it be like when they receive your invitation? What about when they park? Walk in? Leave? How can you make that a great experience?

At The Event

  • If you plan to do this type of event again, take note of what’s working and what isn’t. Write it all down to help your future self.

  • Any staff that are working the event have a “development role”.

    • They should be talking to attendees, ensuring they have a great experience and be additional eyes and ears for any potential issues.

      • No water on the table? Go find a waiter.

      • Trash on the floor? Pick up it.

      • Donor is confused about something? Answer their question.

      • Solve the problem without having to find someone else to do it.


After The Event

  • What do you want people to do after the event ends?

    • If you don’t say explicitly what you’re looking for, they won’t do it.

  • Follow up

    • If you don’t follow through with the folks who chose to spend their time with you, donate their money and hear your message, then how you are supposed to build relationships with them?

    • Spend the time to call and thank attendees. Quickly after the event so you don’t lose momentum.


Final Thought

Events are a great way to remind your stakeholders about the great work you do.

So make sure you tell them stories that they’ll remember that are directly connected to the mission.

Make sure they get inspired.

Make sure they get motivated to stay involved.


Need help thinking through this strategy?


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